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与初中数学相比,高中数学内容多、抽象性、理论性强,许多初中数学学科成绩的佼佼者,进入高中阶段后学习数学感到困难很大,从而渐渐失去了对学习数学的兴趣,这种情况的发生有学生本身的原因,也与数学老师的教学方法相关,还与高中数学与初中数学的差异相关,鉴于此,高中数学教师应该从教学方法、教学指导等多方面对症下药,切实提高高中数学的教学效果。 Compared with junior high school mathematics, high school mathematics content, abstract, theoretical strong, many junior high school mathematics disciplines outstanding leader, after entering the high school to learn mathematics is very difficult, and gradually lost interest in learning mathematics, this The reasons for the occurrence of the students themselves, but also with the teaching methods of math teachers, but also with high school mathematics and junior high school mathematics differences, in view of this, high school mathematics teachers should teach methods, teaching guidance and other aspects of the right medicine, and effectively improve the high school Mathematics teaching effect.
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