江苏省高邮市地处里下河地区,今年入梅以来,遭受百年未遇的特大洪涝灾害。据初步统计,全市直接经济损失达11亿多元,是一个重灾区。面对这场特大洪涝灾害,乡镇财政所人员和广大干群并肩战斗,奋力抗洪排涝,尽心尽职,做了大量的工作,向党和人民交了一份合格的答卷。汛情就是命令,险情就是战场 6月29日以后,暴雨骤泻,灾情急转,洪涝夹击古城高邮。面对严峻的汛情,广大乡镇财政所干部主动向当地党政领导请战,立即从组织财政收入的岗位上奔赴抗洪排涝第一线,全力为民排忧解难,全市各所除一人值班,其余人员
Gaoyou City, Jiangsu Province, is located in the Lixiahe area, this year into the plum, suffered a century of unprecedented flood disaster. According to preliminary statistics, the direct economic loss in the city amounted to more than 1.1 billion yuan, making it a hardest hit. Facing this catastrophic flood disaster, township and town government personnel fought shoulder to shoulder with the cadres and the masses of cadres, worked hard to combat flood and waterlogging and gave due diligence, did a great deal of work, and handed over a qualified questionnaire to the party and the people. Flood is the order, the danger is the battlefield June 29 after the heavy rain plunged, the disaster swift, floods attack the ancient city of Gaoyou. Faced with severe floods, the vast majority of township financial cadres take the initiative to fight for the local leaders of the party and government, immediately from the position of financial revenue went to the front line of flood control and drainage, efforts to solve problems for the people, the city except one on duty, the rest of the staff