中国物流与采购联合会、国家统计局服务业调查中心发布的2015年8月份中国制造业采购经理指数(P M I)为4 9.7%,比上月下降0.3个百分点。从12个分项指数来看,同上月相比,积压订单、购进价格、供应商配送时间、生产经营活动预期指数略有上升;生产、新订单、出口、产成品库存、采购量、进口、原材料库存、从业人员指数小幅下降。特约分析师张立群认为:“8月份PMI指数较上月回落0.3个百分点,表明经济仍存在一定下行压力。新订单、出口订单指数小幅回落,反映市场需求不足;采购量、
China’s Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, China National Institute of Service Industry Survey released in August 2015 China’s manufacturing purchasing managers index (PMI) was 4 9.7%, down 0.3 percentage points from the previous month. In terms of 12 sub-indices, as compared with the previous month, the backlog of orders, purchase price, delivery time of suppliers and the expected index of production and operation activities rose slightly; production, new orders, exports, finished goods inventory, purchases, imports , Raw materials inventory, practitioners index fell slightly. Speculative analyst Zhang Liqun believes: ”August PMI index fell 0.3 percentage points from the previous month, indicating that the economy still has some downward pressure on new orders, export orders index fell slightly, reflecting the lack of market demand; purchase volume,