当1996年第1期《工程机械与维修》杂志送到您的手中时,正值新春佳节到来之际,在此,我们向本刊编委、特约通讯员、读者以及给予我们各种支持的新老朋友们致以新春的问侯! 春天,姹紫嫣红,万物竞放;春天,富于遐想,令人向往。春天的人们播种着希望。当时光的脚步己进入1996年春天的时候,《工程机械与维修》杂志也己由蹒跚学步迈进了她的快速成长期。市场经济的风浪磨砺出她鲜明的个性、使得她在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出,得到行业各界的广泛好评。
When the magazine Construction Machinery and Maintenance was delivered to you in the first issue of 1996, just as the Spring Festival is approaching, we hereby present our editorial board, correspondents, readers and various new supporters New Year greetings from old friends! Spring, colorful, competing things; spring, rich in reverie, yearning. Spring people sow hope. At a time when light was in the spring of 1996, Construction Machinery and Maintenance magazine had taken the toddler to her rapid growth. The storm of market economy sharpen her distinctive personality, making her stand out in the fierce competition, has been widely praised by all sectors of the industry.