一年一度清明节,今年的清明又快来到了。 清明时节,祭祖寻根,历来是中国人的传统,是中华文化的一个组成部分。 无论是远在天涯海角的游子,无论是身处神州大地天南海北的人们,只要是炎黄子孙,都认同自己是龙的传人。黄帝,就是我们心中的龙。由此,形成了我中华民族无以伦比的强大的凝聚力和向心力。 黄帝,是我们民族的根。 黄帝陵,是我们开展爱国主义教育的巨大课堂、活教材。 为此,我们组织了这篇特稿。
Ching Ming Festival every year, this year’s Ching Ming and fast came. The Ching Ming Festival, ancestor worship roots, has always been the Chinese tradition, is an integral part of Chinese culture. Whether it is far from the ends of the earth wandering, whether it is people living in the sky, as long as the descendants, all agree that they are descendants of the dragon. Yellow Emperor, is the dragon in our hearts. As a result, it has formed an unparalleled strong cohesion and solidarity for the Chinese nation. The Yellow Emperor is the root of our nation. The Yellow Emperor’s Tomb is a great classroom and live teaching material for our patriotic education. To this end, we organized this special feature.