这几年充斥街头的 洋水果对许多老百姓来说已是见多不怪买来尝尝口感 也不过如此只是价格贵得惊人尽管如此商家还是把洋水果列为精品来卖且销量不错 浏览街边水果摊随处可见五彩缤 纷的洋水果在与国 产水果争宠远远望去那黄灿灿的橙子紫红色的蛇果玛瑙般的提子碧玉似的?
In recent years the streets full of foreign fruits for many people are already seeing more than to blame bought to taste the taste but only so expensive but surprisingly expensive business or the foreign fruit as a boutique to sell and sales of good browsing the streets Fruit stand colorful fruit everywhere in the competition with domestic fruit pet yellow eyes that look yellow orange red snake fruit Agate-like Jasper like?