地处黄土高原的一个仅有数百人的国营小企业,在短短六年时间里,创造了世人瞩目的奇迹,产值、利税每年以60%以上的速度递增,主导产品彩管偏转线圈由设计能力的170万只增长到800万只,品种由投产时的2个发展到现在的35个,其中65%以上的产品远销日本、韩国、美国、新加坡等地,出口创汇3307万美元。在短短的几年里由生产单一产品的电子企业发展成为融电子、汽车、商贸、机械、化工等多个产业为一体的大型企业集团——咸阳偏转集团。 偏转集团不仅使彩色偏转线圈的产品和品种在全国独占鳌头,而且研制开发出涉及电子、汽车、化工、机械等产业的15种新产品。他们在选择产业、产品的一开始,就把目标瞄准国际市场。该集团为日本
A small state-owned enterprise with hundreds of people located in the Loess Plateau has created a miracle in the world in only six years. The output value, profits and taxes increase at a rate of more than 60% every year. The number of 1.7 million rose to 8 million, and the number of species changed from 2 at the time of production to 35 now, of which more than 65% of the products were exported to Japan, South Korea, the United States, Singapore and other places, and the foreign exchange earned through exports was US$33.07 million. In a short span of years, it has grown from a single-product electronic company to a large-scale enterprise group - Xianyang Deflection Group, which integrates electronics, automotive, trade, machinery, and chemical industries. Deflection Group not only makes the products and varieties of color deflection coils the best in the country, but also develops and develops 15 new products involving electronics, automotive, chemical, and mechanical industries. They chose to target the international market at the beginning of their selection of industries and products. The group is Japan