
来源 :校园英语·上旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhougtz
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  【Abstract】In today’s society, more and more resources, teaching methods and teaching concepts continue to appear, the requirements of junior high school English teaching is also constantly improving. The 2003 edition of “New English Course standard” promulgated by the Ministry of Education requires that junior middle school English teaching not only focus on language knowledge, but also focus on language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) and learning strategies, and also require that English teaching should pay attention to students’ emotional attitude and cultivate their cultural awareness. So the author chooses the grade eight students as the goal, analyzes the students, teaching materials and teaching methods, and aims to explore how to carry out the teaching of junior Middle School English reading effectively under the guidance of the new curriculum standard.
  【Key words】Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT); students; teaching method
  【作者簡介】尹树其(1991- ),女,汉族,河北廊坊人,云南农业大学,在读研究生,英语笔译专业。

I. Introduction

  As the society develops, the general public has higher requirements for middle school English teaching and the teachers. “Undoubtedly, teaching of reading is a big part in English teaching, which plays an indispensable role in developing the students’ ability of applying language comprehensively”(Ren, 2012: 33). Therefore the author analyzed students and teaching methods to give some ideas of the teaching of reading.

II. Interpretation of the lesson

  1.Analysis of the students
  The students are Grade 8. As humanity majors, they have grasped common knowledge of how to communicate with friends, inviting friends to their home for a fun time. They are active thinkers and they would like to attend excited parties. They’ve got to know some basic grammar points and some sentence patterns to show their feelings. So more pair activities, group activities are needed to strengthen their team spirit and self -confidence, activities that can help them shape awareness of the whole world, sense of responsibility for the nation are also necessary here.
  2.Analysis of teaching materials
  The textbook New Standard English (NSE) can be divided into the following parts: Vocabulary and speaking; Reading and vocabulary; Grammar; Listening and vocabulary; Pronunciation; Speaking; Writing, Everyday English and function; Cultural corner; Task. Wang said that:   NSE is associated with the features of times, society, reality, life and profound thought which reflects the newest situations of politics, economy, cultural technology, education, health, art, etc. in the world. It covers large amount of various information and knowledge and focus on training students’ skills and strategies of listening, speaking, reading and writing (2006: 33).
  3.Analysis of teaching methods
  Considering the reading material and students’ actual situations, Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) method is chosen as the main teaching approach in this class.
  TBLT is an approach to second or foreign language education that integrates theoretical and empirical foundations for good pedagogy with a focus on tangible learning outcomes in the form of ‘tasks’—that is, what learners are able to do with the language. Task-based practice draws on diverse sources, including philosophy of education, theories of second language acquisition, and research-based evidence about effective instruction (Norris, 2009: 578). Therefore, TBLT method seems very suitable for teaching of reading and should be involved with open task activities and inquiry learning content. So TBLT is designed as the main approach in this lesson.

III. Conclusion

  According to the analysis of students, teaching material and methods, we can see TBLT is the best way to teach. This method can help the students boost communicative and cooperative abilities, help the students grasp both the language knowledge and skills. But there are also some limitations as we can not only rely on TBLT only. Further studies may adopt other teaching methods in the teaching process.
  [1]Elizabeth Breaux.How to Reach and Teach All Students—simplified[M].New York:Eye on Education,2007.
【摘要】对于所有的教学工作者来说,都希望为学生上好每一节课,给学生带来良好的学习效果。但是常常由于教学过程中的种种因素,导致教学质量不佳。针对这样的情况,初中英语教师要对当前的教学现状进行客观分析,进一步探索提升教学质量的有效策略。本文主要从当前的实际教学情况出发,结合学生的学习特点,从多方面论述初中英语教学质量的提升策略分析与解读。  【关键词】初中英语;教学质量;提升策略  【作者简介】徐爱仙
【摘要】学生个体之间存在差异,因此教学应该根据学生的特点进行相应的改变。本文探讨如何在初中英语教学中实施差异教学,指出要根据学生的学习策略差异、学习方式差异以及个体差异等方面展进行有针对性的教学设计。  【关键词】个体差异;策略;初中英语教学  【作者简介】徐小玲(1978.07- ),女,汉族,陕西靖边人,靖边县第二中学英语教研组,本科,中学一级,研究方向:初中英语教学。  古人云:“教学相长”
【摘要】本文以新课程的教学理念为理论基础,结合当前中学英语教学的实际,阐述了英语新课程对英语教师角色转变的影响以及对英语教师的要求,论述了英语教师的智能结构在教学中的重要作用,着重探讨了中学英语教师智能结构的构建。  【关键词】课程改革;英语教师;智能结构  【作者简介】辛婷婷,通化矿务局职工中等专业学校。  作为英语教师,要能“创造性地完成教学任务,努力适应社会发展对教师专业化能力提出的新要求。
【摘要】有效性教学就是在课堂上通过一系列的教学活动,在学生的自主思考和教师的引导之下,确保获得最大的收获。做到教学的有效性是提高小学英语课堂教学的前提条件,因此,本文尝试介绍提高小学英语课堂的有效性的策略,希望能对提高小学英语教学的质量和效率提供参考。  【关键词】小学英语;有效性教学;策略  【作者简介】叶晓玥,天津市静海区团泊镇团泊小学。  在新课程改革的时代浪潮下,对各门学科的教学都提出了新