
来源 :大肠肛门病外科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kkkhorse
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我院1987~1997年采用酒精注射直肠周围治疗小儿直肠脱垂120例,男83例,女37例,年龄最小10个月,最大6岁,其中1~2岁92例(76%),部分脱垂79例,完全脱垂41例(23例嵌顿),其方法是取俯卧位,先将直肠复位,消毒后用75%酒精6ml,注射肛门两侧和肛门与尾骨连线中下交界处,3点各注射2ml于直肠周围,10d后若再脱出可重复。本组全部为门诊治疗,注射1次88例、2次28例、3次4例,全部治愈,经6个月以上随访无复发。本法简单、疗程短、痛苦小、经济、安全疗效确切。酒清在直肠周围浸润,局部组织产生无菌性炎症,使组织纤维化,直肠肌层与周围组织粘连固定,从而使脱垂得以治愈。应注意防止药液注射到齿线以下以免引起疼痛,更应防止将酒精注入直肠壁内,以免引起直肠坏死。本文认为各部位注射21ml较安全,效果满意,因为酒精剂量大,多易造成直肠周围广泛坏死。 In our hospital from 1987 to 1997, 120 cases of pediatric rectal prolapse were treated with alcohol injection and rectum. There were 83 males and 37 females, the youngest 10 months and the oldest 6 years old, 92 (76%) of whom were 1-2 years old. Prolapse in 79 cases, complete prolapse in 41 cases (23 cases of incarceration), the method is to take the prone position, the first rectal reset, sterilized with 75% alcohol 6ml, injection on both sides of the anus and anus and coccyx line junction Department, 3:00 injection of 2ml around the rectum, 10d if the prolapse and then repeatable. This group are all outpatient treatment, 88 cases of injection once, 28 cases of 2 times, 3 times in 4 cases, all cured, no recurrence after 6 months of follow-up. This law is simple, short course, painful, economical, safe and effective curative effect. Rinse around the rectum infiltration, local tissue produce aseptic inflammation, the organization of fibrosis, rectal muscle layer and the surrounding tissue adhesion, so that prolapse can be cured. Should pay attention to prevent liquid injection below the tooth line to avoid pain, but should also prevent the alcohol into the rectal wall, so as not to cause rectal necrosis. In this paper, that all parts of the injection of 21ml more secure, the effect is satisfactory, because of the large dose of alcohol, more likely to cause extensive necrosis around the rectum.
本报告首先介绍水情译电自动化的研究情况,然后简要说明水情电报的特点与形式.着重阐述水情译电编译原理、方法和技巧.最后,展示结合江苏水情电报翻译的结果. This report f
我院儿科自1995年开始应用止喘合剂雾化吸入治疗喘憋性肺炎取得了较好的疗效,现小结如下。 1 对象与方法 68例均为我院儿科住院病人,男37例,女31例,年龄6月~2岁。参照1987年全