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剖宫产术是临床上处理难产的重要手段之一,我院采用腹部横切口剖宫产327例手术效果满意,现总结如下:1 临床资料1.1 一般资料:腹部横切口剖宫产术327例,均为我院住院分娩产妇。1.2 横切口手术方法:于下腹耻骨联合上缘2~3cm处或皮肤皱褶处做一横行、两端稍向上翘的切口约10cm,其切口中段3~4cm切至深达深筋层,再以中、食指或小拉钩深入切口分别向两侧撕开皮下脂肪与皮肤切口等长,横形剪开腹直肌前鞘与皮肤等长,钝锐结合分离腹直肌与前鞘连接部分,向上潜行7~8cm,向下达耻骨联合,向两边牵拉开腹直肌,于膀胱顶上1.5cm Cesarean section is an important means of clinical treatment of dystocia, our hospital with abdominal transverse incision cesarean section with satisfactory results of 327 cases, are summarized as follows: 1 Clinical data 1.1 General Information: abdominal transverse incision cesarean section in 327 cases , Are hospitalized delivery maternity hospital. 1.2 transverse incision operation method: in the lower abdomen pubic symphysis on the edge of 2 ~ 3cm or skin folds to do a rampant, both ends slightly upturned incision about 10cm, the incision in the middle of 3 ~ 4cm cut deep deep deep layer, and then To the middle or the index finger or a small hook deep incision, respectively, to both sides of the subcutaneous fat and skin incision, the incision length of the transverse cut open rectus abdominis sheath and the skin length, blunt and sharp separation of the rectus abdominis muscle and the anterior sheath connection, upward Sneak 7 ~ 8cm, down to the pubic symphysis, stretching the rectus abdominis to both sides of the bladder on the top 1.5cm
DIC多发于妇产科疾病,因其发病骤急,死亡率高,为妇产科一个严重并发症。我院成功抢救一例DIC为胎死宫内钳刮后所致。现作临床总结如下。1 病例介绍  患者27岁,孕2产1育1,
重度妊高征是产妇及围产儿死亡的主要原因〔1〕。我院在治疗上除用硫酸镁解痉、扩容、降压等方法外 ,及时终止妊娠作为重要的治疗措施。现对本院收住的 50例重度妊高征终止妊
本院自 1992年 4月在妇产科手术中采用腹部横切口已逾 2 0 5例 ,效果良好 ,现报告如下 :1 临床资料  收集病例 2 0 5例 ,含子宫下段剖宫产、腹式子宫全切术、子宫次全切 ,
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患者 ,女 ,2 9岁 ,停经 38天 ,有恶心呕吐等早孕反应 ,尿HCG阳性。自购“米非司酮”口服 ,服药第二天出现腹痛、腹泻及阴道少许流血并晕倒1次 ,来院就诊。查体 :T37.4℃P2 0次 /分