茄子是北方主要夏菜之一。适应性强,栽培容易,产量高,亩地可产果实4000公斤左右。 选用早熟高产品种,如北京九叶茄、六叶茄和哈尔滨的紫圆茄;在长茄中有龙江线茄、科选一号、鹰嘴茄;在矮茄中有灯泡茄和日本千成茄等。 最好在头年秋或早春,先在园地上作床。床的规格大小从实际出发。如可以是宽80厘米,深45厘米,长
Eggplant is one of the main summer dishes in the north. Adaptable, easy cultivation, high yield, acres of land can produce about 4000 kg of fruit. Selection of early maturity and high yield varieties, such as Beijing nine leafy tomato, six leafy tomato and Harbin purple round eggplant; Longjiang line in the longan eggplant, Branch No. one, eggplant; in the shortened eggplant bulb and Japan thousand Into a tomato and so on. The best autumn or early spring in the first year, first in the garden bed. Bed size from the actual size. Such as can be 80 cm wide and 45 cm deep, long