解放后,在党的正确领导下,我县营造了大面积落叶松人工林,现已郁闭成林。森林病虫、鼠害在我区从无到有,由少到多,不断发生。目前主要病虫害有松毛虫、卷叶蛾、鞘蛾、舞毒蛾、天幕毛虫、尺蠖、松针毒蛾及落叶松枯梢病、根腐病等十余种,还有种子害虫如落叶松花蝇、种子小蜂,球果螟等。鼠害也遍及人工林内,为害很重。十几年来,在各级党的领导下,得到广大群众的大力支持,防治林木鼠害共23万亩次,各种病虫害76,000 亩次,对控制病虫、鼠害的发生发展,保护林木健康生长,收到了一定的效果。但是由于过去在防治办法上比较单一,常常出现冶了这种害虫,又出现了那种害虫,今年治了,明年还要治的现象。因此如何采取以营林生产措施为基础的综合防治,是我们防治工作中急需解决的问题。
After the liberation, under the correct leadership of the party, our county has created a large-area larch plantation and is now closed. Forest pests and diseases, rodent pests in our area from scratch, from less to more, continue to occur. At present, the main pests and diseases are pine caterpillars, leaf roller moths, coleopterans, gypsy moths, celestial caterpillars, scales, pine needles and larch blight, root rot and other more than 10 species, as well as seed pests such as larch flower flies, Fruit borer and so on. Rodent also throughout the plantation, the damage is heavy. Over the past decade or so, under the leadership of all levels of the party, it has received the vigorous support of the broad masses of the people, preventing and controlling a total of 230,000 mu of tree and mouse rodents and 76,000 mu of various pests and diseases. It has taken the place in controlling the occurrence and development of pests and diseases and rodent pests, and protecting the health of trees Growth, received a certain effect. However, due to the relatively simple prevention and treatment methods used in the past, the occurrence of such pests and the emergence of such pests often appear this year, and they are still to be treated next year. Therefore, how to adopt comprehensive prevention and control measures based on the production measures of silviculture is a problem urgently needed to be solved in our prevention and control work.