1.卫生间白炽灯电路的改进 许多家庭经常发生这样的现象:半夜去卫生间,刚一开灯,灯闪亮一下就熄灭了。检查发现,原来是灯丝烧断了。换上一只新灯泡后,隔数月又会发生这样的现象。究其原因,主要是在半夜时分,已过用电高峰,特别是靠近供电部门的配电变压器的用户,电压特别高(常超过220V,有时可达230V),而白炽灯钨丝在冷态下的电阻又很小,所以通电瞬间的浪涌电流很大,导致钨丝中特别细处更易烧断。为防止上述现象发生, 笔者推荐一种电路,读者不妨一 试。该电路如图1所示,两只二极管 各串一只灯泡,相互并联后与市电 相接。两只二极管和两只灯泡均装 于吸顶灯罩内。两只二极管的接法
1. Improvement of the bathroom incandescent circuit Many families often happen this phenomenon: go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, just turn on the lights, the lights shine and went out. Inspection found that the original filament is blown. After replacing a new light bulb, this phenomenon occurs again in a few months. The reason is mainly due to the peak of electricity consumption in the middle of the night, especially for users of distribution transformers near the power supply department. The voltage is particularly high (usually over 220V and sometimes up to 230V) Under the resistance is very small, so the moment of inrush current is very large, resulting in a special thin tungsten wire easier to blow. To prevent the above phenomenon, I recommend a circuit, the reader may wish to give it a try. The circuit shown in Figure 1, the two diodes each string a light bulb, parallel with each other after the mains. Two diodes and two bulbs are mounted in the ceiling lamp housing. Connection of two diodes