一、概 述 1.输浆倍线的基本概念 用黄泥注浆法防灭火的矿井,借助管路进行压力输浆时,经常用输浆倍线这一参数评定输浆管路系统的合理性。由于管路的输浆线对输浆量的确定,管径的选择有直接影响,所以在压力输浆时讨论输浆倍线具有重要意义。 压力输浆包括静压输浆和动压输浆两种。静压输浆时,输浆倍线是指输浆管路的实际总长度与输浆管路进出浆口标高差之比。用公式表示即
I. General Description 1. The basic concept of the transmission line doubler In the use of yellow mud grouting fire prevention and control of the pipeline, the pressure of pulp, often with the transmission line times the parameters of this system to assess the rationality of the slurry pipeline system . As the pipeline of the pulp line of the determination of the amount of slurry, the diameter of a direct impact on the choice, so discussing the slurry pressure in the pulp line is of great significance. Pressure to lose pulp, including static pressure and dynamic pressure to lose both pulp. Static pressure to pulp, the pulp is doubled the line is the total length of the input pipe pulp and pulp into the pulp out of the ratio of pulp height difference. With the formula that is