法国世界杯32强已各就其位,且不论谁大喜过望,谁嗟叹命运不垂青,都将登场亮相,战前再看法兰西,依然如雾里观花,朦胧中或许还能觑得些许天机。 1998年法国世界杯将是历届世界杯中各组实力最为均衡的一届。除罗马尼亚外,各位“组长”名至实归,实力稳居本组第一,小组出线问题不大。而罗马尼亚所在的G组,英格兰更具种子相,是该组实际上的种子。之所以能做到分组空前均衡,这是运气之神赏脸,让实力最劲的非种子分到了堪称最弱的种子所在组,而最主要的原因是世界杯决赛圈入围队已由24支跃增至32支,分组由6个增至8个,使传统强队不必在小组过早“团聚”,好戏留待后面瞧。最令人窒息的“死亡之组”首推D组。西班牙还在延续美国世界杯后的风光,实力积累得鼓鼓胀胀,只等今年世界杯时拿出来吓人一跳,是该组当之无愧的“头牌”。尼日利亚是世少赛、世青赛、奥运会冠军,1994年世界杯曾在最后时刻臣服于罗·巴乔的灵感突发,而今众星闪耀欧罗巴,奥利塞赫、巴班吉达风光阿贾克斯,伊克佩巴新就非洲足球先生之
The French World Cup 32 have their place, and no matter who overjoyed, who sigh fate not favor, will debut before the war and then look at France, still flirtatious, dim may also look for some secret. In 1998 the French World Cup will be the most balanced group in previous World Cup sessions. In addition to Romania, you “leader” real deeds, the strength of the first in this group, the group qualify is not a big problem. While Group G where Romania is located, England is more seed-seeded and is the actual seed of the group. The reason why the group can achieve an unprecedented balance, which is the face of the god of luck, so that the most powerful non-seed assigned to the group called the weakest seeds, but the most important reason is the World Cup finalists team has been from the 24 jump To 32, from 6 to 8, so that the traditional strong teams do not have to “reunion” prematurely in the group. The most suffocating “death group” devaluation D group. Spain is still the continuation of the scenery after the United States World Cup, the strength accumulated soared, only scared to jump out of this year’s World Cup, is the group’s well-deserved “card.” Nigeria is World Cup, World Youth Championship, the Olympic champion, the 1994 World Cup had surrendered at the last moment in Rome inspired by Baggio, and now the stars shine Europa, Olissay, Bajijida scenery Ajax Sri Lanka, Ikpepa new on the African football