一、中国城镇贫困的估计 目前我国城镇到底是多少贫困人口?尚无统一的说法。以下给出几种估计,可以从不同贫困特征和统计口径来综合地反映我国城镇贫困人口的真实情况。 1.Khan的估计(1998)。 按照Khan所确定的中国城镇贫困线标准,对于中国城镇,每日人均所需食品热量为2100大卡,相应的贫困线为2291元,相当于城镇家庭人均收入的40%。城镇贫困线是农村标准贫困线的1.98倍。这是因为在中国城镇,作为食物能量的每千卡热量的单位成本远远高于农村。
I. THE ESTIMATION OF POVERTY IN CHINA’S URBAN POVERTY At present, how many poor people are living in cities and towns? There is no unified view yet. The following gives some estimates, which can comprehensively reflect the actual conditions of China’s urban poor from different poverty characteristics and statistical caliber. 1.Khan’s estimate (1998). According to the Chinese urban poverty line set by Khan, the daily calorie requirement for Chinese cities and towns is 2100 calories per month, with the corresponding poverty line of 2,291 yuan, equivalent to 40% of urban household per capita income. The urban poverty line is 1.98 times the rural standard poverty line. This is because the unit cost per kilocalorie of calories for food in towns and cities in China is much higher than in rural areas.