Migration of bone marrow progenitor cells in the adult brain of rats and rabbits

来源 :World Journal of Stem Cells | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:silkji
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Neurogenesis takes place in the adult mammalian brain in three areas:Subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus(DG);subventricular zone of the lateral ventricle;olfactory bulb.Different molecular markers can be used to characterizethe cells involved in adult neurogenesis.It has been recently suggested that a population of bone marrow(BM)progenitor cells may migrate to the brain and differentiate into neuronal lineage.To explore this hypothesis,we injected recombinant SV40-derived vectors into the BM and followed the potential migration of the transduced cells.Long-term BM-directed gene transfer using recombinant SV40-derived vectors leads to expression of the genes delivered to the BM firstly in circulating cells,then after several months in mature neurons and microglial cells,and thus without central nervous system(CNS)lesion.Most of transgene-expressing cells expressed NeuN,a marker of mature neurons.Thus,BM-derived cells may function as progenitors of CNS cells in adult animals.The mechanism by which the cells from the BM come to be neurons remains to be determined.Although the observed gradual increase in transgene-expressing neurons over 16mo suggests that the pathway involved differentiation of BM-resident cells into neurons,cell fusion as the principal route cannot be totally ruled out.Additional studies using similar viral vectors showed that BM-derived progenitor cells migrating in the CNS express markers of neuronal precursors or immature neurons.Transgene-positive cells were found in the subgranular zone of the DG of the hippocampus 16 mo after intramarrow injection of the vector.In addition to cells expressing markers of mature neurons,transgene-positive cells were also positive for nestin and doublecortin,molecules expressed by developing neuronal cells.These cells were actively proliferating,as shown by short term BrdU incorporation studies.Inducing seizures by using kainic acid increased the number of BM progenitor cells transduced by SV40vectors migrating to the hippocampus,and these cells were seen at earlier time points in the DG.We show that the cell membrane chemokine receptor,CCR5,and its ligands,enhance CNS inflammation and seizure activity in a model of neuronal excitotoxicity.SV40-based gene delivery of RNAi targeting CCR5 to the BM results in downregulating CCR5 in circulating cells,suggesting that CCR5 plays an important role in regulating traffic of BM-derived cells into the CNS,both in the basal state and in response to injury.Furthermore,reduction in CCR5 expression incirculating cells provides profound neuroprotection from excitotoxic neuronal injury,reduces neuroinflammation,and increases neuronal regeneration following this type of insult.These results suggest that BM-derived,transgeneexpressing,cells can migrate to the brain and that they become neurons,at least in part,by differentiating into neuron precursors and subsequently developing into mature neurons. Neurogenesis takes place in the adult mammalian brain in three areas: Subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus (DG); subventricular zone of the lateral ventricle; olfactory bulb. Different molecular markers can be used to characterizethe cells involved in adult neurogenesis. It has been recently suggested that a population of bone marrow (BM) progenitor cells may migrate to the brain and differentiate into neuronal lineage. To explore this hypothesis, we injected recombinant SV40-derived vectors into the BM and followed the potential migration of the transduced cells. Long- term BM-directed gene transfer using recombinant SV40-derived vectors leads to expression of the genes delivered to the BM first in circulating cells, then after several months in mature neurons and microglial cells, and thus without central nervous system (CNS) lesion.Most of transgene-expressing cells expressed NeuN, a marker of mature neurons. Thus, BM-derived cells may function as progenitors of CNS cells in adult animals.The mecha nism by which the cells from the BM come to be neurons remains to be determined. Although the observed gradual increase in transgene-expressing neurons over 16 mo ​​suggests that the pathway involved differentiation of BM-resident cells into neurons, cell fusion as the principal route can not was totally ruled out. • Additional studies using similar viral vectors showed that BM-derived progenitor cells migrating in the CNS express markers of neuronal precursors or immature neurons. Transgene-positive cells were found in the subgranular zone of the DG of the hippocampus 16 months later In addition to cells expressing markers of mature neurons, transgene-positive cells were also positive for nestin and double cortin, molecules expressed by developing neuronal cells. The cells were actively proliferating, as shown by short term BrdU incorporation studies. Inducing seizures by using kainic acid increased the number of BM progenitor cells transduced by SV40vectors migratingto the hippocampus, and these cells were seen at earlier time points in the DG. We show that the cell membrane chemokine receptor, CCR5, and its ligands, enhance CNS inflammation and seizure activity in a model of neuronal excitotoxicity. SV40-based gene delivery of RNAi targeting CCR5 to the BM results in downregulating CCR5 in circulating cells, suggesting that CCR5 plays an important role in regulating traffic of BM-derived cells into the CNS, both in the basal state and in response to injury. Still further, reduction in CCR5 reduces incurring cells may profound neuroprotection from excitotoxic neuronal injury, reduces neuronalflammation, and increases neuronal games following the this type of insult. these results suggest that BM-derived, transgeneexpressing, cells can migrate to the brain and that they became neurons, at least in part , by differentiating into neuron precursors and subsequently developing into mature neurons.
女尸34岁 中等身材 发育良好 生前无泌尿系统疾病。 左右肾位置正常,但两肾不等大,左肾长10.35cm,宽6.45cm,厚3.40cm;右肾长7.55cm,宽5.70cm,厚3.00cm。右肾明显短小,其下端
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一    读大专二年级那年,我参加学校纪念“五·四”运动作文大奖赛获得散文类二等奖。在颁奖大会的领奖台上,站在我左边的是一位个头稍低于我的女生。她留着短发,白皙的脸像是用白玉雕琢而成,那时而抖动的睫毛之间有一双明亮得会说话似的眼睛。我看了她一眼,顿感浑身舒畅,再看一眼,感到心跳加速血液上涨……  三个星期后的一个星期六晚上。停电。窗台上,几支蜡烛在无精打采地燃着。寂静的寝室里,只剩下我一个人在徘徊