Experimental research on a THGEM-based thermal neutron detector

来源 :Chinese Physics C | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiaoqianqian
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A new thermal neutron detector with a domestically produced THGEM(Thick Gas Electron Multiplier)was developed as an alternative to3 He to meet the needs of the next generation of neutron facilities. One type of Au-coated THGEM was designed specifically for neutron detection. A detector prototype has been developed and the preliminary experimental tests are presented, including the performance of the Au-coated THGEM working in Ar/CO2 gas mixtures and the neutron imaging test with252 Cf source, which can provide the reference for experimental data for research in the future. A new thermal neutron detector with a domestically produced THGEM (Thick Gas Electron Multiplier) was developed as an alternative to 3 He to meet the needs of the next generation of neutron facilities. One type of Au-coated THGEM was designed specifically for neutron detection. A detector prototype has been developed and the preliminary experimental tests are presented, including the performance of the Au-coated THGEM working in Ar / CO2 gas mixtures and the neutron imaging test with 252 Cf source, which can provide the reference for experimental data for research in the future.
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