总结过去 展望未来——2003年《冶金财会》通讯工作会议在昆明召开

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在党的十六届三中全会胜利召开、我国第一艘载人飞船成功发射的大喜日子里,2003年《冶金财会》通讯工作会议于10月17日在春城昆明召开,来自全国冶金行业的49个单位70余名代表出席了会议。中国钢铁工业协会副秘书长、财务资产部主任、《冶金财会》杂志总编戚向东同志亲临大会,并做了重要讲话。《冶金财会》常务副总编李沛林同志,代表编辑部做了一年来《冶金财会》工作总结及今后工作设想的报告。北京天健会计师事务所、兴业资产评估公司总经理吴建敏同志,介绍了金融体制改革、企业改制中应注意的主要问题。武钢审计部部长谭丽丽、鞍钢会计学会黄绍辉、宣钢财务处副处长张宏、宝钢计财部胡响钟、韶钢财务部钟雨等5位同志在会上做了经验介绍。 In the victory of the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee and the successful launching of China’s first manned spacecraft, the 2003 Metallurgical Accounting Conference was held on October 17 in Kunming, Spring City, More than 70 delegates from 49 units attended the meeting. Deputy Secretary General of China Iron and Steel Association, Director of Financial Assets Department, and Comrade Qi Xiangdong, Chief Editor of Metallurgical Finance Association, attended the meeting and delivered an important speech. Comrade Li Pei-li, standing deputy editor-in-chief of Metallurgical Finance Department, made a report on the summary of the work of Metallurgical Finance and Accounting and his vision for future work on behalf of the Editorial Department. Beijing Tianjian Certified Public Accountants and Comrade Wu Jianmin, General Manager of Industrial Asset Appraisal Company, introduced the major issues that should be noticed in the reform of the financial system and enterprise restructuring. Mr. Tan Luli, Minister of Auditing Department of WISCO, Mr. Huang Shaohui from Ansteel Accounting Association, Mr. Zhang Hong, Deputy Director of Finance Department of Xuan Steel, Mr. Wu Hu Zhong from Accounting Department of Baosteel and Mr. Zhong Yu from Financial Department of Shaoguan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. made presentations at the meeting.