西出阳关有故人 虔诚铺就爱舞台——浦东新区援疆教师团剪影

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在新疆,教育就是民生,教育就是和谐,教育就是稳定。浦东的援疆教师团队,正是这样一群挖掘教育金矿、播撒梦想种子的使者。这是一群普通的浦东教师,因为援疆,被赋予了“援疆人”的称号。他们的身上既有西部汉子的激越与豪放,也有着海派书生的细腻与严谨。他们是追随沙漠边关教学教育的探索者,是兼具教育技能与生活智慧的纯爷们,也是心系家人与民族同胞的柔情侠。我播撒,教育梦想的种子教育援疆,意义深远。在新疆,教育就是民生,教育就是和谐,教育就是稳定。新一轮西部大开发战略帷幕的拉开以及中央新疆工作会议的召开,吹响了集全党之力、集全国之力对口支援新疆的号角。沙漠边关,纵然是一片肥沃的梦想之地,也需要有志者充当优秀的采矿员。浦东的援疆教师团队,正是这样一群挖掘教育金 In Xinjiang, education is people’s livelihood, education is harmony, education is stability. Pudong’s aid Xinjiang teacher team, it is such a group of mining gold mine education, sow the seeds of dreams ambassador. This is a group of ordinary Pudong teachers, because aid Jiang, was given “aid Xinjiang people ” title. Both of them have the agitation and boldness of Western men and the delicate and rigorous scholarship of Shanghai school. They are explorers who follow the education and teaching of the desert and are pure men of wisdom both in educational skills and life, as well as gentlemen in the hearts of their families and national compatriots. I sow, education, education, seed dreams to aid Xinjiang, far-reaching. In Xinjiang, education is people’s livelihood, education is harmony, education is stability. The curtain-breaking of a new round of the strategy for the grand development of the western region and the convening of a working conference for the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region have sounded the strength of the entire party and set the tone for the support of the entire nation to Xinjiang. Desert border, even if it is a fertile land of dreams, but also need to have people who aspire to act as excellent miners. Pudong’s aid Xinjiang teacher team, it is such a group of mining education gold
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[目的]评价威海市2005~2009年结核病防治效果。[方法]对威海市2005~2009年扩展现代结核病控制策略时期结核病控制工作情况进行分析。[结果]2005~2009年威海市累计接诊18 737例可