【摘 要】
Consider a four-dimensional system having a two-dimensional invariant surface. By analyzing the solutions of bifurcation equations, this paper studied the bifur
【机 构】
Consider a four-dimensional system having a two-dimensional invariant surface. By analyzing the solutions of bifurcation equations, this paper studied the bifurcation phenomena of a k multiple closed orbit in the invariant surface. Sufficient conditions f
<正> 整体教学是与传统的分析性串讲式教学相对而言的。前者把所教材料看作一个整体,从整体着眼进行教和学,教的是整体材料,学也是材料整体。然而后者却把材料的组成部分分条割块,比如,对语言的词、句、
<正> 这套教科书是根据九年义务教育初中语文教学计划(试行草案)和教学大纲(初审稿)编写的。从1990年秋季开始,在全国29个省、市、区试验点进行试教。1992年4月,在试教的基础上,第一、二册教科书经全国教材审查委员会审会通过,1993年秋季供全国选用。为了使教师了解教材编写意图,现将有关问题说明如下。
【正】 21世纪的通信网络将是以IP为主导发展的网络世界。尽管各种观点,各种网络方案层出不穷,争论和探讨处处可见,但笔者认为,未来的网络将会是基于IP的、能够提供包括电子
Fuzzy numbers are convenient for representing imprecise numerical quantities in a vague environment,and their comparison or ranking is very important for applic
【正】 由信息产业部邮电设计院自主开发完成的全国数字同步网集中监控系统投入使用以来,对数字同步网的监控、管理起到了重要作用。近日,在国家建设部公布的获奖项目中被评
A valid experimental setup was proposed to study the wave transfer in PDMS fluids. It is found that the degree of attenuation in strain rate is greater with the
As the traditional RISC +ASIC/ASSP approach for network processor design can not meet the today'srequirements, this paper described an alternate approach, R
<正> 1989年起,我开始给三年级毕业班上选修课“陶行知教育思想研究”。两年多来选修课的实践,深切体会到1989年6月国家教委颁发的《三年制中等师范学校教学方案(试行)》是正确的、可行的。这个方案具体勾画了必修课、选修课、课外活动和社会实践“四块结合”的总体思路,既保证了必修课在中师的主体地位,又突出了实践环节,体现了小学教师的职业特性,有利于全面提高师范生的素质,促进师范生掌
The most popular estimation method for HMMs is Baum-Welch algorithm, which is based on the maximum likelihood(ML) criterion. For other criteria, such as Maximum