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目前,全国各地换届工作正陆续展开,许多干部面临着进退留转的考验。在这个敏感而关键的时刻,从中央到地方、从动员会议到党报党刊,纷纷要求广大领导干部要讲党性,顾大局,要树立正确的权力观、地位观、价值观。为了保证换届工作的顺利进行,这样的政治动员无疑是十分必要的,然而,要使那些官瘾大、爱“恋栈”的同志改变观念,仅仅靠思想工作尤其是仅仅靠这种“战前动员”是远远不够的。我们还得从根子上反思:为什么有那么多人想当官、爱“恋栈”? At present, the general election for work across the country is being carried out one after another, and many cadres are facing the test of turning in or leaving. At this sensitive and crucial moment, from the central authorities to local governments and from the mobilization meeting to the party journal, they all demanded that leading cadres should stress party spirit and the overall situation and establish a correct concept of power, status and values. In order to ensure the smooth progress of general election work, such political mobilization is undoubtedly very necessary. However, to make those who are heavily addicted to government and love the “Love Stack” change their mindset, they can rely solely on ideological work, especially on such “pre-war mobilization ”Is not enough. We have to reflect from the root: why so many people want to be an official, love “Love Stack”?
吉林省人民政府令第6号《吉林省森林防火实施办法》已经一九八八年十一月六日省政府第二十九次常务会议通过,现予发布施行。省长:何竹康一九八八年十一月十六日 Jilin Prov
The thoery of polarons near rough polar crystal surfaces is presented. The effec-tive Hamiltonian of the polaron is derived using the Lee-Low-Pines unitary tra
Corollary discharge signals play an important role in monitoring self-generated movements to guarantee spatial constancy. Recent work in macaques suggests that
如果把潜藏在群众中的这种热情和物质力量释放出来,把千千万万个常仲明解放出来,那将是一个多么伟大的保护自然的力量。 If we release such enthusiasm and material force
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