2012年9月25日,世界硬纸板组织(WCO)在比利时的布鲁塞尔宣布,RockTenn公司瓦楞纸包装部门总裁JamesB.Porter当选进入理事会,任期2年,2012年9月15日起生效。作为在美国乔治亚州亚特兰大举办的SuperCorr Expo的主讲人,WCO主席Michael Harwood发表声明:“JimB.Porter能够加入WCO理事会这个杰出的团体,我们非常荣幸。他的知识和在硬纸板行业的积极参与也为全世界硬纸板生产者和用户所尊敬和称赞。JimB.Porter是全球硬纸板产业孜孜不倦的倡导者,我们有幸能够拥有他非凡的洞察力和对WCO理事会的投入。”
On September 25, 2012, the World Board of Directors (WCO) announced in Brussels, Belgium, that James B. Porter, President of Corrugated Packaging Division of RockTenn, was elected to the Board for a term of two years effective September 15, 2012. As the keynote speaker at SuperCorr Expo in Atlanta, GA, WCO Chairman Michael Harwood made a statement: “We are honored to have JimB.Porter join the outstanding community of the WCO Board of Directors. His knowledge and motivation in the cardboard industry Participation is also respected and complimented by Cardboard Producers and Users around the world, and Jim B. Porter is a tireless advocate of the global cardboard industry, fortunate enough to have his extraordinary insight and commitment to the WCO Board. ”