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  Enchanting Kenli
  Kenli, like a beautiful “Chinese knot,” is located in the end of the Yellow River on the coast of the Bohai Sea.
  Here is the area where the Yellow River meanders into the sea, the marvelous youngest land of China, and the frontier for the development and construction of the Yellow River Delta.

  Speeding up the development and construction of the Yellow River Delta is an important strategic decision made by the state government and Shandong Province. With a view to grasping the opportunities for accelerated development, Kenli endeavors to bring its own natural geographic and resource advantages into full play and puts forward the general goal of building a high-efficiency economic demonstration area in the Yellow River Delta. From northeast to southwest, along the Yellow River estuary, Kenli is speeding up the planning and construction of the ecological area, the modern fishery area, new industry area, a modern service area in the western suburbs of Dongying, and the northern downtown area of the Yellow River water city. Moreover, Kenli is making a special effort to build up an S-shaped economic area. At the same time, taking the “five areas” as the breakthrough point, Kenli has planned the development frame and launched the overall strategic pattern. By means of optimizing the economic structure, integrating the industrial resources and undertaking industrial advance in line with the developed countries and regions, Kenli is endeavoring to boost its own comprehensive economic strength and competence so as a to become a front-runner in the development of the Yellow River Delta.

  Kenli aims to turn the ecological tourism area of the Yellow River Estuary into a nationally and provincially famous important resort for leisure, sightseeing and holidays. Counting on the vast offshore advantage, Kenli aims to turn the fishery area in the Yellow River Estuary into national model area integrating the functions of production, processing, trade and commerce, tourism and scientific research. By means of bringing the leading functions of Kenli Economic Development Zone and Shentuo Industrial Zone into full play, Kenli will strengthen the development of such pillar industries as petrochemicals, refined chemicals and machinery processing, and turn the new industrial zone of the Yellow Rive Estuary into a national export base of refined chemical as well as the important modern manufacturing base across the province. By means of utilizing the developed transport advantages of Haojia and Dongji, Kenli will turn the modern service area in the western suburbs of Dongying into the largest base of vehicle collection and distribution in north Shandong and the famous stone material collection and distribution base across the province. By means of connecting with the downtown area of Dongying City, Kenli constantly improves its urban amenities so as to turn itself into the “back garden” of downtown Dongying.
  The ecological tourism area of the Yellow River estuary takes the national level natural reserve of the Yellow River Delta as the head. Covering an area of 1,695 square kilometers, it covers four towns—Kenli, Yong’an, Huanghekou and Xisong, and two sub-county offices—Hongguang and Kenli. Centering on the core tourism area of the Yellow River estuary, this area will mainly be involved in the development of leisure and holiday resorts, ecological tourism, fishery family tourism, rural household tourism and revolutionary tourism.
  The modern fishery area of the Yellow River estuary takes the eastern coastal region of Kenli County as the head. Among the 20,000 hectares of planned area, the seawater cultivation area covers an area of two-third of the total, and the freshwater area covers one-third of the total. Key development will be launched in the cultivation of sea cucumber, shrimp, and crabs. Meanwhile, energetic efforts will be made on the development of intensive processing of aquatic products, trade, leisure and sightseeing and fishery.
  The new industrial zone of the Yellow River estuary, with a planned area of 105.6 square kilometers, covers Kenli Economic Development Zone, Shengtuo Industrial Zone and parts of Kenli Town and Yong’an Town. Key efforts will be made on the development of petrochemicals, refined chemicals, machinery processing, automobile fittings, and intensive processing of sideline agricultural products.
  The modern service area of the western suburbs of Dongying, with a planned area of 18 square kilometers, will mainly be engaged in the development of automobile trade and relevant industries, logistics and transport, and suburb tourism.
  The northern urban area of the Yellow River water city, taking the capital of Kenli as the center, has a planned area of 108.9 square kilometers. By means of speeding up the connection of the important rivers and downtown Dongying, engineering projects will be under way in the new areas, creating roads, waterways, residences, greening, and urban renovation. By 2012, the constructed area will reach 16 square kilometers. The greening area will cover six million square meters with greening coverage rate of 30 percent. The water area will reach 2.2 million meters and the urban population will hit 100,000 people
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中共日照市委书记杨军表示,加快建设海洋经济强市,是日照培育最具潜力的增长点和又好又快发展的新动力,是抓住新机遇、增创新优势、实现新跨越的必然选择和重大战略举措。  Secretary Yang Jun of the CPC Rizhao Municipal Committee is of the opinion that speeding up the construction of a powe
琴、棋、书、画、酒、茶,这6个字是对中国传统文化一种很有代表性的概括,每个字背后都有漫长的历史和丰富的故事。而书法艺术在中国不仅有着悠久的历史,还作为一门汉字书写的艺术,与汉字有着密切的关系。应该说,书法的历史与文字的历史是密切交融在一起的,而且对后人有着巨大的吸引力和影响力。   中国文字从象形字至今已演绎了数千年,仅一个“宝”字就有194种形态,“寿”字“眉”字也逾百种写法,丰富程度难以言表。
因民之所利而利之”是孔子的一个基本主张,他要求统治者务必关注民众的愿望和要求,尽可能满足民众的物质利益需要。因为在他看来,民众的财富和君主的财富,民众的利益和君主的利益,从根本上说是一致的。    孔子受到历代封建统治者的尊崇,这倒不完全是因为孔子为他们执政地位的获得和承传提供了多少合法性的理论支持,而是因为孔子确实阐发了治国平天下的一套完整且具有普适性的思想主张。孔子关于君民关系的辩证思考,关于
区号:0532邮编:266000  青岛地处黄海之滨,三面环海,是一座风景秀丽、气候宜人的历史文化名城。  同时,青岛还是一个充满生机与活力的城市,一个人与自然和谐共处的理想家园。红瓦、绿树、碧海、蓝天辉映出青岛多彩的身姿,赤礁、细浪、彩帆、金沙构成青岛靓丽的海滨风景线,史文、宗教、民俗、乡情、节日庆典赋予青岛旅游丰富的内涵,浓缩近代历史文化的名人故居,具有典型欧式风格的多国建筑,形成了青岛中西合
当你凭窗远眺的时候,可以看到什么?是高架桥上川流不息的车辆,抑或是大街上挽臂而行的亲密伴侣,甚至还有泛出寒意的瑟瑟湖水?当然,一切皆有可能!窗户自打诞生起就肩负着为人们在封闭的屋子里采光与透视的作用。然而,今天的窗户却被三星公司天才的研究员们赋予了新的功能——电视机。  用窗户当作显示器的确是一个不可思议的构想,无论是传统的“大脑袋”——显像管显示器CRT还是现在超薄液晶显示器,挂在窗户上既不现实
杨洛书老先生的一生可谓传奇。  2008年10月21日,对杨老来说,是一个极不寻常的日子。在建国59年之后举办的儒风泰山·首届山东国际大众艺术节上,他荣获泰山文艺奖艺术突出贡献奖。  作为同顺德画店第19代传人,杨洛书老人1927年出生于潍坊杨家埠年画世家,是中国民间文化杰出传承人。60多年“刀耕不辍”的磨练,使其成为当今年画界的一代宗师,素有“中国年画王”的美称,并被联合国教科文组织授予“民间工
眼前这个清瘦的、沉静的学者,坐在年画展台的后面,一副专注、沉思的模样,是在考虑如何策划下一幅作品?还是在琢磨怎样将杨家埠木版年画推向世界大舞台?我们的唐突造访俨然打断了他的思绪。但是得知我们的来意之后,他满脸欣喜,用他的话说就是,他喜欢挖掘培养更多的年画爱好者,推广这个民间艺术。   谈起年画,马志强滔滔不绝,一改沉稳内敛的常态。他不无骄傲地给我们介绍最近的成就:他的木版年画作品《八十七神仙卷》在