对多数网络管理员来说,安装和维护一套复杂的计算机网络有如小菜一碟;可是,在PBX(专用分组交换机)面前他们的知识技能会在瞬间消失得无影无踪。如果没有专业的PBX维护人员,许多网管员不得不担负起维护PBX的责任。基于网络技术的PBX系统(网络电话系统)揭开了电话通信的神秘面纱,这类新型系统将电话网和以太网合二为一,并在语音和数据的处理中实现更为复杂的功能(如统一消息等)。用了它以后企业会省下大笔的通讯开销,并且,一个人就可以管理千人规模的网络,哪个企业会不动心呢? 但现实情况并非如此。国内目前用到网络电话系统的用户凤毛麟角,其原因何在?在一次性投资上,网络
For most network administrators, installing and maintaining a complex computer network is a piece of cake; however, their knowledge and skills in front of the PBX (private branch exchange) disappear in no time. Without professional PBX maintainers, many network administrators have to assume the responsibility of maintaining PBXs. The PBX system (Internet telephony system), which is based on network technology, opens the door to the mystery of telephony. These new systems combine telephony with Ethernet to provide more sophisticated functions in voice and data processing Such as unified news, etc.). After using it, companies will save a lot of communication overhead, and a person can manage a network of thousands of people, which companies will not be tempted? But the reality is not the case. At present, there are few users of Internet telephony systems in the country. Why? In a one-time investment, the network