为了利用幼龄桑期有限的时间,空间以提高新栽桑园的经济效益,1995年我县苏村在新栽629亩桑园中进行了间作棉花的示范,结果,桑树生长良好,间作棉平均亩产26公斤,增收25.9万元.取得了较好的经济效益和良好的社会效益.一、间作做法①桑园栽植密度 桑园的桑树栽植采用宽行密株,其行距2米,株距为0.65米,亩栽500株左右.②种棉前的准备 清明节前后,在桑树行间施土杂肥80—100担,碳铵50公斤,磷肥40公斤,浅耕一遍,耙平地面、做到土细、无根茬,在桑树行间起一条高10厘米左右,垅底和垅背各宽80和60厘米左右的长城,上盖塑料薄膜,即“低垅双行根区覆盖法”以备棉花播种.
In order to make use of the limited time and space of young mulberry to improve the economic benefits of mulberry planting, the demonstration of intercropping cotton was carried out in the newly planted mulberry field of 629 mu in 1995 in Sucun County. As a result, the mulberry tree grows well, An average yield of 26 kilograms, an increase of 259000 yuan.Good economic benefits and good social benefits.One intercropping approach ① mulberry planting mulberry mulberry wide-bred dense line, the line spacing of 2 meters, spacing Is 0.65 meters, about 500 planted acres.② before cotton planting Before and after the Ching Ming Festival, between the mulberry trees Shi Tuza 80-100 Tam, ammonium bicarbonate 50 kg, phosphate 40 kg, shallow tillage again, raking the ground , So fine, without stubble, in the mulberry line played a 10 centimeters high, the bottom and the back of the wide 80 and 60 cm wide wall, covered with plastic film, that is, Act "to prepare cotton for planting.