(一) 关于文学研究方法创新问题的讨论,当前已形成一股热潮。自去年年底以来,《文学评论》、《文艺研究》、《当代文艺思潮》等综合性文艺评论刊物上,都陆续开辟了笔谈这一问题的专栏。今年三、四月间,桂林、厦门、扬州等地召开的几个全国性的文艺理论讨论会上,也都把它作为中心议题。更不用说一个时期来报刊杂志上经常围绕某个具体理论问题,展开方法论上的探索了。有人说,今年是“方法年”。看来这场讨论方兴未艾,大有深入发展的余地。在方法论问题的探讨中,绝大多数同志都肯定了创新的必要性和迫切性,这是
(1) There has been an upsurge of discussion on the innovation of literary research methods. Since the end of last year, comprehensive literary and art journals such as “Literary Criticism,” “Literature and Art Studies,” and “Contemporary Literary and Artistic Trends” have successively opened the column for writing about this issue. In March and April this year, Guilin, Xiamen, Yangzhou and other places held a number of national seminars on the theory of the literature and art, but also regard it as the central issue. Not to mention a period of time to newspapers and magazines often focus on a specific theoretical issue, to explore the methodology. Some people say that this year is the “method year.” It seems that this discussion is in the ascendant and there is room for further development. In the discussion of methodological issues, the vast majority of comrades have affirmed the necessity and urgency of innovation, which is