【摘 要】
This paper aims to establish a mathematical model that can analyze the whole leaching kinetics process of ion-adsorption type rare earth ores. This leaching pro
【机 构】
School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Gan
This paper aims to establish a mathematical model that can analyze the whole leaching kinetics process of ion-adsorption type rare earth ores. This leaching process is composed of three steps:(1) ammonium ions arrive at the ore particle surface through the diffusion layer;(2) ammonium ions exchange with rare earth ions; and (3) rare earth ions enter into the external solution through the diffusion layer. In the leaching process, it is hypothesized that the ore particle size remains constant. The process of ammo-nium ions and rare earth ions passing through the diffusion layer was described by the Fick law, and the reversible ion exchange process between ammonium ions and rare earth ions was described by the Kerr model. A leaching kinetics model of rare earth ions by ammonium ions was constructed. Accuracy of this kinetics model was verified with laboratory tests. It is found that the correlation coefficients of all data are greater than 0.9000. The proposed kinetics model is therefore feasible for kinetics analysis throughout the leaching process.
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By introducing the amine group into phosphorus extractant, a novel aminophosphine compound bis(2-ethylhexyl) ((2-ethylhexylamino)methyl) phosphine oxide (DEHAPO
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【摘要】网络环境下的成人教学人性化管理,需要预先了解学员的学习状态和实际困难,根据学员具体特征实施教学,才能够保证教学的系统性和完整性,以及时效性目的,从而实现人性化管理目标。 【关键词】网络教学 成人教育 人性化管理 【中图分类号】G72 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)03-0184-02 一、前言 传统的教学模式注重传教式教学方式,教学往往吃力而枯燥,学生