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“一年一度高考日,几家欢喜几家愁。”高考前夕,教育部考试中心主任戴家干关于高考要改变“一考定终身”的考录方式,增加“学业水平测试”和“综合评价”的表态,让高考改革方向之争此起彼伏。而“罗彩霞事件”、“绍兴一中航模高考加分事件”、“吉林松原高考舞弊案件”无疑让高考的诚信与公平话题再次升温。如何改变“一考定终身”的现行高考制度?高考改革如何体现出社会诚信?怎样才能更加公平、更加符合中国国情?在84万应届生放弃高考的尴尬面前,我们还要不要扩招?诚然,高考问题很多,但这不能成为我们放弃改革、停滞不前的理由。古人云:不积跬步,无以至千里。教育改革也概莫能外。本期“今日关注”从多家媒体对高考改革的呼声与建议声中筛选了具有代表性的一组文章,希望透过这些肺腑之言,甄清高考问题的脉络,探寻其进一步发展的风向标。 “On the eve of the college entrance examination, the Ministry of Education examination center director Dai Jiagan on the college entrance examination to change ” a test of life “test mode, increase ” academic level test “And” comprehensive evaluation “position, so that the direction of the college entrance examination reform one after another. And ”Luo Caoxia incident “, ”Shaoxing a midship entrance exam bonus points “, ”Jilin Songyuan college entrance examination fraud cases “ undoubtedly let the college entrance examination of integrity and fairness topic once again warming. How to change the current college entrance examination system of ”a life-long test“? How college entrance examination reform reflects the social integrity? How to be more fair, more in line with China’s national conditions? In 840 students to give up college entrance examination before the embarrassment, we still have to expand? Admittedly, there are many problems with the college entrance examination, but this can not be the reason why we have to give up reform and stagnate. The ancients said: not plot Zibo step, immeasurable. Education reform is no exception. This Issue ”Today’s Concern " has screened a representative set of articles from the voices and suggestions of a number of media on the college entrance examination reform. We hope that through these heartfelt comments, we can clarify the context of the entrance examination question and explore the vane of its further development .
广电作为国内的主要通讯运营商之一,要拥有自己独特的基础公众网络,因此整个广电系统上下均积极准备或开始紧密结合各自特点发展宽带数据网络, As one of the major communi
12月11日 晴  生命真像一场无止境的漫游,而我们都是旅途中放飞梦想的风筝。唯有线的牵引,我们才能看遍繁华胜景,迎着风越飞越高,而不是跌落于万丈深渊。  ——题记  我抬眼望见你柔和如喀纳斯湖的眉角边波纹漾开,我迷蒙地看着你因岁月而深邃的双眸里有着永不浑浊的热情。我知道,或许我只是你种下的桃李中弱小而青涩的那一个,而你是我短暂的生命里第一个肯将我托举上蓝天的人。你让我看见了雨后的第一道彩虹。  
为纪念抗日战争胜利四十周年,我刊从今年第1期起拟集中刊登由中国革命博物馆提供的抗日战争时期图片,供教学参考。 To commemorate the 40th anniversary of the victory of
对于重度有症状颈动脉狭窄患者,颈动脉内膜切除术(carotid endarterectomy,CEA)是一种有效的卒中预防方法,而颈动脉支架置入术也已作为其替代方法广泛应用于临床。经皮颈动脉支架血管成形术与内膜切除术比较(Stent-Supported Percutaneous Angioplasty of the Carotid Artery versus Endarterectomy,SPAC