襄樊预备役师三团。坚持一手抓部队建设,一手抓配合中心,成绩显著。日前,上级机关总结推广了他们的经验。 在实施一手抓配合中心工作中,该团注重在科技、信息、资金等关键环节,真帮实助。结合训练,开办了科技讲座,请工程师、农艺师、兽医师和技术员讲课,传授科学种养的知识和技术。近几年来,共请辅导老师84人,授课230余次,1100课时,搞
Xiangfan reserve division three regiment. Insist on one hand, building the armed forces, one hand with the center, a significant result. Recently, the higher authorities concluded their promotion of their experience. In the implementation of one-hand cooperation with the center, the mission focused on science and technology, information, funds and other key areas, really help. In combination with training, a science and technology lecture was held and engineers, agronomists, veterinarians and technicians were invited to give lectures and impart knowledge and skills in scientific breeding. In recent years, a total of 84 counselors were invited to teach more than 230 times, 1100 hours, engaging