From the beginning of this issue serialized a campus novel, Duan Li Xin’s creation of “Girlfriends” series - “Princess drowsiness station.” Full text with a lively story, tells the story of two different character girls alien friendship. Synopsis: Although Shen Qian Qian has a sweet name, but she likes to cut short hair, good at taekwondo, full of personality, is an absolute tomboy. This handsome girl in the military training school, met a princess even more delicate girl Zheng Lai Lai. Yin and Yang mistakes, Zheng Leilai admitted Shen Qian Qian home. As a result, the two different temperament girls began a lively “living together ”. After a semester of Living in the Same House, Princess Leurale, who was once a must-have pink bedspread in bed, wasted money and did not know the mussel and shell had changed a little bit. Under the influence of Shen Sisi, she became more independent and stronger than she was. By the time they were separated, they had become intimate “girlfriends.”