【摘 要】
This paper is concerned with the problem of H-infinity filtering for discrete-time switched linear systems under arbitrary switching laws.New sufficient conditi
【出 处】
Journal of Control Theory and Applications
This paper is concerned with the problem of H-infinity filtering for discrete-time switched linear systems under arbitrary switching laws.New sufficient conditions for the solvability of the problem are given via switched quadratic Lyapunov functions.Based on Finsler’s lemma,two sets of slack variables with special structure are introduced to provide extra degrees of freedom in optimizing the guaranteed H-infinity performance.Compared to the existing methods,the proposed one has better performances and less conservatism.An example is given to illustrate its effectiveness.
This paper is concerned with the problem of H-infinity filtering for discrete-time switched linear systems under arbitrary switching laws. New sufficient conditions for the solvability of the problem are given via switched quadratic Lyapunov functions. Based on Finsler’s lemma, two sets of slack variables with special structure are introduced to provide extra degrees of freedom in optimizing the guaranteed H-infinity performance. Compared to the existing methods, the proposed one has better performances and less conservatism. An example is given to illustrate its effectiveness.
Incidentally detected, sporadic, nonfunctional pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors are increasingly diagnosed on imaging studies performed for unrelated purposes.
Feedbacks given by teachers is possibly a common instruction in second language writing classes, to help students make progress in writing. At one time, feedbac
党的十九大报告指出,随着中国日益走近世界舞台中心,要构建中国特色大国外交,形成全方位、多层次、立体化的外交布局,为我国发展营造良好外部条件。教育外交兼具教育和外交两方面的基本属性,相较于其他外交形式,其主要特点表现在“通”“柔”“惠”“久”四个方面。 一是“通”,即教育外交具有联通性。教育具有“通天下之不通”的教化功用,教育外交讲求“以文化人”和“以文育人”,比其他外交形式更具有“水滴石穿”和“
[摘 要] 构建中国话语体系是文化强国建设的当务之急,中国走向国际舞台需要平等交流的对话资格。赢得平等对话资格,高等教育如何作为?首先,必须明确培养什么样的人才;其次,正确认识借鉴国外与自我创新;第三,客观看待对传统的批判与学习;第四,研究自己、自己研究,形成特色;第五,彻底转变教学思维,如转变应试思维、灌输教育、为老师学、消极式尊师心态;最后,合理设计教学课程,增设传统思想与文化课程、提升双语教