苏联著名雕塑家米·康·阿尼库申教授应全国城市雕塑规划组和艺术委员会的邀请于90年6月底至7月中来华访问。 阿尼库申教授对于中国美术界并不生疏。早在1958年《美术》杂志第5期就刊登过阿尼库申因普希金纪念碑荣获1958年度列宁奖金的报导。树立在列宁格勒俄罗斯博物馆前的艺术广场上的这座普希金纪念像不仅深受苏联人民的喜爱,也颇受中国人民的赏识。
Professor Mikon Anikushen, a famous Soviet sculptor, visited China from the end of June to the middle of July in response to the invitation of the National Urban Sculpture Planning Group and the Arts Commission. Professor Anikushen is not unfamiliar to the Chinese art world. As early as 1958 Art magazine No. 5 published ani Ni Kushen Pushkin Memorial won the 1951 Lenin prize coverage. This Pushkin memorial, which stands on the Art Square in front of the Russian Museum in Leningrad, is not only popular with the Soviet people but also popular with the Chinese people.