近日,山东省淄博市张店区傅家中心小学在学校多功能室举行了“亲子共诵读”展示活动,来自全校的1 6个优秀家庭代表纷纷登台一展风采。此次展示活动分为三个环节:个性化家庭介绍、家长与孩子的合作朗诵及成语故事展示。在比赛过程中,每个家庭代表都各尽所能,用丰富多彩的表现形式对自己的家庭成员、朗诵内容及成语故事进行了精彩展示,引来台下观众的阵阵掌声和喝彩。据悉,该校一直非常重视家校沟通,积极提供展示平台,拓宽家校联系的渠
Recently, Fuji Central Primary School, Zhangdian District, Zibo City, Shandong Province, held a “Parent-Child Recitation” event in the multi-function room of the school. A total of 16 outstanding family representatives from all over the school staged their debut. The exhibition is divided into three areas: personalized home introduction, parent-child cooperation and recitation of idioms stories show. During the competition, each family representative tried her best to show her family members, recitation contents and idioms with rich and varied forms of expression, which drew applause and applause from audiences. It is learned that the school has always attached great importance to home-school communication, actively providing a display platform and broadening the channels for family-school contact