在祖国的上辽阔大地上,活跃着一支同火灾作斗争的公安消防部队,他们为了保卫社会主义现代化建设和人民生命财产的安全,枕戈待旦,赴汤蹈火,出生入死,经受了血与火的洗礼,面临着生与死的考验,涌现出许多可歌可泣的英雄人物和模范事迹,大兴安岭的烈焰、长江油驳的浓烟、黄岛油库的火光、咆哮奔腾的洪峰……到处都辉映着消防官兵顽强拼搏的战斗身影。 为了弘扬消防官兵无私奉献的精神,展示消防官兵烈火映染的风采,公安部消防局组织了首次全国消防部队英模事迹报告活动。在这些英模事迹中有:父子
In the vast land of our motherland, there is an active firefighting police force that is fighting the fire. In order to defend the socialist modernization and the safety of people’s lives and property, they are ready to go their lengths and go through fires and deaths. They have endured the baptism of blood and fire and have faced The test of life and death, there are many epic Heroes and deeds, the flames of the Greater Khingan Range, the Yangtze River oil barge smoke, the flames of the Huangdao depot, roaring Pentium flood ... everywhere reflects the fire officers and men indomitable fighting Fighting figure. In order to carry forward the spirit of dedication and dedication of fire officers and soldiers to showcase the flames of fire and light, the Fire Department of the Ministry of Public Security organized the first national anti-personnel firefighting deeds report. In these heroic stories are: father and son