目的:了解湖州市手足口病的感染情况,为制定预防和控制措施提供科学依据。方法:采用荧光定量RT-PCR方法,对2008年-2010年湖州市765份疑似手足口病感染者的疱疹液、咽拭子及粪便标本进行肠道病毒、肠道病毒71型和柯萨奇病毒A16型的核酸检测。结果:肠道病毒通用核酸阳性510例,阳性率为66.67%(510/765)。其中EV71阳性228例,阳性率为29.80%(228/765);Cox A16阳性134例,阳性率为17.52%(134/765);其他EV病毒阳性148例,阳性率为19.35%(148/765)。男女阳性率分别为67.46%(313/464)和65.44%(197/301)。5岁以下年龄组儿童阳性率为67.64%,是感染的主要人群。结论:EV71是引起湖州市儿童手足口病的主要病原,不同性别间EV、EV71及Cox A16的发病率无显著性差异。定期开展手足口病病原学监测,将有助于提出更好的预防和控制措施。
Objective: To understand the infection of hand, foot and mouth disease in Huzhou and to provide a scientific basis for making prevention and control measures. Methods: The herpes simplex virus, throat swab and stool samples of 765 HIV-infected persons with HFMD in Huzhou from 2008 to 2010 were tested for enterovirus, enterovirus 71 and coxsackie Virus A16 type nucleic acid detection. Results: There were 510 positive cases of enterovirus common nucleic acid, the positive rate was 66.67% (510/765). The positive rate of Cox A16 in 134 cases was 17.52% (134/765). The other EV positive cases were 148 cases, the positive rate was 19.35% (148/765) ). The positive rates of male and female were 67.46% (313/464) and 65.44% (197/301) respectively. The positive rate of children under 5 years of age group was 67.64%, is the main population of infection. Conclusion: EV71 is the major causative agent of hand, foot and mouth disease in children in Huzhou. There was no significant difference in the incidence of EV, EV71 and Cox A16 among different sexes. Regular HFMD etiology monitoring will help to propose better prevention and control measures.