据资料记载,公元1732年,苏格兰的一个小煤矿失火,浓烟从炕道滚滚涌出。一个年轻的矿工从坑道被救出时,已经停止了呼吸。一位名叫威廉·沱沙的外科医生赶紧过去按脉,脉已经消失;身体也已发凉……但沱沙没有绝望,他迅速俯下身去用嘴贴着矿工的口,用力向他吹气。结果吹进去的气大都从矿工的鼻孔流失掉了。于是,沱沙医生用一只手捏住矿工的鼻子再用力吹气,这时,矿工的胸部有了起伏,心脏开始跳动。 满心喜悦的沱沙又做了其他处理。1个多小时后,这个矿工完全醒了
According to the records, in 1732 AD, a small coal mine in Scotland was misfired and smoke poured out from the kang road. A young miners stopped breathing when rescued from the tunnel. A surgeon named William Tuosha hurriedly pressed past the veins and his veins disappeared. His body was already cold ... But Tuofu was not desperate. He quickly bent down to put his mouth against the mouth of the miner and forcefully blew him gas. As a result, most of the gas blown in was lost from the miners’ nostrils. So, Tuotuo doctor with one hand pinch the miner’s nose and then forced inflatable, then, the miners chest ups and downs, the heart began to beat. Tuotu full of joy and did other treatment. More than an hour later, the miner woke up completely