发掘本镇乡土媒材 促发有效美术教学

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在《发掘福清农村初中美术教学的有效媒材》课题实践中,通过我镇美术媒材资源的开发、积累、利用,提升了美术教学的有效性。在课题模式下,师生更加关注农村资源的有效应用,结合本土化的美术活动,促进学生愉悦地学习美术,形成基本的美术素养。只要师生养成课题探究意识,用心发掘农村的新媒材,不断的整合应用,便会发现农村的美术教学有着博大的潜能。 In the practice of “discovering the effective media of junior high school art teaching in Fuqing rural areas”, the effectiveness of art teaching has been enhanced through the development, accumulation and utilization of the art media resources in our town. In the topic mode, teachers and students pay more attention to the effective use of rural resources, combined with the localization of art activities to promote students to study art with pleasure, the formation of the basic art accomplishment. As long as teachers and students to develop a project to explore awareness, intentions to explore new media in rural areas, the continuous integration of applications, we will find that rural art teaching has broad potential.
在分式的学习中,同学们经常遇到分式的计算、求值、比较大小等问题。解答它们,仅仅依靠分式的基本性质很难奏效,必须注意巧用一定的方法技巧。现举例介绍如下:    一、巧用整体  例1 已知-=4,则=_________。  分析注意到=,要求其值,应将a-b和ab各视为一个整体,找到它们之间的关系。  解 由-=4,得a-b=-4ab。  原式===6。  二、巧用分组  例2 计算: --。  分析
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