从1927年南昌起义至1930年夏是中国共产党领导的武装起义、创建工农红军和农村革命根据地的阶段。这期间中央红军运用毛泽东游击战争的军事原则(即:敌进我退,敌驻我扰,敌疲我打,敌退我追)。粉碎了国民党反动派的多次“进剿”和“会剿”,保存和发展了革命实力,扩大了革命根据地,为红军游击战向运动战转变最终打败国民党反动派实现全国的解放积累了重要经验。 毛泽东游击战思想是在中国革命历史复杂的初期、敌我力量对比悬殊的情况下产生的,他把退和进、走和打、进攻和防御有机地结合起来,它的形成、发展与成功运用,折射出马克思主义哲学思想的灿烂光辉,具体
From the 1927 Nanchang Uprising to the summer of 1930, it was the stage of the armed uprising led by the Chinese Communist Party and the establishment of the Workers ’and Peasants’ Red Army and the rural revolutionary base areas. During this period, the Central Red Army used the military principles of the Mao Zedong guerrilla war (that is, the enemy retreated, the enemy interfered with me, the enemy wearished, and the enemy retreated.) Smashed many “encirclement and suppression” and “encirclement” campaigns by the Kuomintang reactionaries, preserved and developed revolutionary forces, expanded revolutionary bases, and accumulated important experiences for the transformation of the guerrilla warfare movement in the Red Army and the defeat of the Kuomintang reactionaries in realizing the liberation of the country. Mao Zedong’s guerrilla warfare thought came into being in the early days of the complex history of the Chinese revolution when there was a disparity between the enemy forces and the enemy forces. He organically combined retreat and progress, fighting and fighting, offensive and defensive operations, and formed, developed and successfully used the system of refraction Out of the glorious and concrete Marxist philosophy