在创业的过程中,能活5年的初创企业基本上不会超过10%,活到7年以上就是1%—2%,我们现在活了7年了,很不容易。成为牛人才能和牛人做朋友2 0 0 6年1 0月份,我在北大读EMBA,那时跟一百个同学们坐在一起突然发现怎么大家都比我有钱啊!这帮人一个个不是身价几千万就是几个亿。我是做IT的,我们班还有一个做IT的,就是纽曼的老板,他也比我有钱,他是我北邮的师弟。在2005-2006年的时候,我之所以敢出来创业,就因为我的师弟都比我厉害了,让我备感压力。那时候和身边的朋友们一比,我混的不是倒数第一就是倒数第二。咱们现在常说圈子和人脉,我有一个
In the process of starting a business, start-ups that can survive for 5 years basically do not exceed 10%, live 1% -2% for more than 7 years, and it is not easy for us to live for 7 years now. Become a cattle talent and cattle people to be friends 2006 In October I read EMBA at Peking University, then sat with a hundred students suddenly found out how everyone is better than me ah! These people are not one by one Worth tens of millions is a few hundred million. I do IT, our class has an IT, is the boss of Newman, he is also better than me, he is my brother Northern Mail. In 2005-2006 when I dared to venture out, because my younger brother than I am amazing, let me feel pressured. At that time and my friends around, I am not mixed is not the last is the penultimate. We now often say the circle and contacts, I have one