
来源 :临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:softguner
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1病例报告患者,男,39岁,因左侧鼻腔通气不畅1年于2011年12月26日入院。行鼻窦CT检查发现左侧鼻腔鼻窦占位病变,于2011年12月28日全身麻醉行鼻内镜下鼻腔肿物切除加筛窦、上颌窦、额窦开放手术。术后病理检查示内翻性鳞状上皮乳头状瘤。患者术后顺利出院,定期门诊复诊,自诉偶有左侧内眦处疼痛不适,未在意。2012年10月23日患者于我科门诊复查鼻内镜发现左侧中鼻道新生物(图1),于2012年12月28日第2次入院,入院后完善检查,2012年12月30日鼻窦CT检查示:左侧上颌窦、筛窦、额窦术后改变,左侧筛窦炎(图2)。于2012年12月31日全身麻醉 A case report patient, male, 39 years old, was admitted to hospital on December 26, 2011 due to poor nasal ventilation in the left side for 1 year. Line of nasal CT examination of the left nasal sinus lesions found on December 28, 2011 under general anesthesia endoscopic nasal resection plus ethmoid, maxillary sinus, frontal sinus surgery. Postoperative pathological examination showed inverted squamous epithelial papilloma. Patients were discharged smoothly after surgery, regular out-patient referral, self-indulgence occasional pain in the left lobe discomfort, did not care. On October 23, 2012, patients underwent nasal endoscopy in our clinic to find the left middle nasal tract (Figure 1). The patient was admitted to hospital for the second time on December 28, 2012 and was admitted to hospital for perfect examination. December 30, 2012 Day sinus CT examination showed: the left maxillary sinus, ethmoid sinus, frontal sinus surgery changes, left ethmoid sinusitis (Figure 2). General anesthesia on December 31, 2012
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