Prognostic value and clinical correlations of 18-fluorodeoxyglucose metabolism quantifiers in gastri

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Redltng
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AIM: To investigate the correlations of pre-treatment positron emission tomography-computer tomography(PET-CT) metabolic quantifiers with clinical data of unstratified gastric cancer(GC) patients.METHODS: Forty PET-CT scans utilising 18-fluorodeoxyglucose in patients who received no prior treatment were analysed. Analysis involved measurements of maximum and mean standardised uptake volumes(SUV), coefficient of variation(COV), metabolic tumour volumes and total lesion glycolysis of different thresholds above which the tumor volumes were identified. The threshold values were: SUV absolute value of 2.5, 30% of SUVmax, 40% of SUVmax,and liver uptake-based(marked 2.5, 30, 40 and liv,respectively). Clinical variables such as age, sex,clinical stage, performance index, weight loss, tumor histological type and grade, and CEA and CA19.9 levels were included in survival analysis. Patients received various treatment modalities appropriate to their disease stage and the outcome was defined by time to metastasis(TTM) and overall survival(OS). Clinical and metabolic parameters were evaluated by analysis ofvariance, receiver operating characteristics, univariate Kaplan-Meier, and multivariate Cox models. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.RESULTS: Significant differences were observed between initially disseminated and non-disseminated patients in mean SUV(6.05 vs 4.13, P = 0.008), TLG2.5(802 cm3 vs 226 cm3; P = 0.031), and TLG30(436 cm3 vs 247 cm3, P = 0.018). Higher COV was associated with poor tumour differentiation(0.47 for G3 vs0.28 for G1 and G2; P = 0.03). MTV2.5 was positively correlated to patient weight loss(< 5%, 5%-10%and > 10%: 40.4 cm3 vs 123.6 cm3 vs 181.8 cm3,respectively, P = 0.003). In multivariate Cox analysis,TLG30 was prognostic for OS(HR = 1.001, 95%CI:1.0009-1.0017; P = 0.047) for the whole group of patients. In the same model yet only including patients without initial disease dissemination TLG30(HR = 1.009,95%CI: 1.003-1.014; P = 0.004) and MTV2.5(HR = 1.02,95%CI: 1.002-1.036; P = 0.025) were prognostic for OS; for TTM TLG30 was the only significant prognostic variable(HR = 1.006, 95%CI: 1.001-1.012; P = 0.02).CONCLUSION: PET-CT in GC may represent a valuable diagnostic and prognostic tool that requires further evaluation in highly standardised environments such as randomised clinical trials. AIM: To investigate the correlations of pre-treatment positron emission tomography-computer tomography (PET-CT) metabolic quantifiers with clinical data of unstratified gastric cancer (GC) patients. METHODS: Forty PET-CT scans utilising 18-fluorodeoxyglucose in patients who received no prior treatment were analysed. Analysis involved measurements of maximum and mean standardised uptake volumes (SUV), coefficient of variation (COV), metabolic volume volumes and total lesion glycolysis of different thresholds above which the tumor volumes were identified. The threshold values ​​were: SUV absolute value of 2.5, 30% of SUVmax, 40% of SUVmax, and liver uptake-based (marked 2.5, 30, 40 and liv, respectively). Clinical variables such as age, sex, clinical stage, performance index, weight loss , tumor histological type and grade, and CEA and CA19.9 levels were included in survival analysis. Patients received various treatment modalities appropriate to their disease stage and the outcome was defined by tim e to metastasis (TTM) and overall survival (OS). Clinical and metabolic parameters were evaluated by analysis of variances, receiver operating characteristics, univariate Kaplan-Meier, and multivariate Cox models. P <0.05 wasīvesperson significant.RESULTS: Significant differences were observed between initially disseminated and non-disseminated patients in mean SUV (6.05 vs 4.13, P = 0.008), TLG 2.5 (802 cm3 vs 226 cm3; P = 0.031), and TLG30 (436 cm3 vs 247 cm3, Higher COV was associated with poor tumor differentiation (0.47 for G3 vs 0.28 for Gl and G2; P = 0.03). MTV 2.5 was positively correlated to patient weight loss (<5%, 5% -10% and> 10% : 40.4 cm3 vs 123.6 cm3 vs 181.8 cm3, respectively, P = 0.003). In multivariate Cox analysis, TLG30 was prognostic for OS (HR = 1.001, 95% CI: 1.0009-1.0017; P = 0.047) for the whole group of patients . In the same model yet only including patients without initial disease dissemination TLG30 (HR = 1.009, 95% CI: 1.003-1.014; P = 0.004) and(HR = 1.02, 95% CI: 1.002-1.036; P = 0.025) were prognostic for OS; for TTM TLG30 was the only significant prognostic variable (HR = 1.006, 95% CI: 1.001-1.012; ). CONCLUSION: PET-CT in GC may represent a valuable diagnostic and prognostic tool that requires further evaluation in highly standardized environments such as randomized clinical trials.
——致敬埃兹拉·庞德     1  一望無际的空旷平原,  是这个世界沉默的部分。  2  小女孩腿上满是淤泥,  一双灰色的长筒袜。  3  小男孩很瘦,  幽灵走动时卷起的微风。  4  门缓缓打开,像午觉后  伸了一个长长的懒腰。  5  我没有睡醒,  像一条不新鲜的鱼。  6  人已离去,  啤酒在孤独的杯子里打嗝。  7  落叶咔嚓作响,  吞食着孤单的影子。  8  整个晚上,他都在
在今年夏季一次飞行途中,我凑在舷窗边睁大眼睛,目不转睛地望着远处的雷暴云。夜半的天空漆黑无边,因为戴着效果出众的降噪耳机,几乎听不到引擎的轰鸣声,若没有那团时隐时现的庞然陡立的云群,几乎不会意识到自己在万米高空。  耳机里播放的是塞尔维亚小提琴家Nemanja Radulovic演奏的巴赫,急速,摇滚,神经质,很适合红眼航班上的观雷场景。远远望去,云的聚落里似乎有淘气的小孩不停地扔出小爆竹,似乎天
冬日私语  “不!不是这样——”凌乱  的桌子,椅子。阳光拂拽窗帘  弥漫的茶香,面包,牛奶  灯塔熄灭在地底。野草莓的  鲜红嘴唇,风吹过天空中的羊群  另一个世界在诞生……生活的透明杯子  你要哪一个?辨证法  纠结在喉咙里。我听见一个声音  说,“是的,我爱它的艰难……”  另一个夜晚,我们走过街区  从不同窗子亮起的灯光,交织,错落  虚寂里传来一声尖叫,恍若旋流  我们停下了脚步,接下来
搬家记  是不是要丢弃那些多余的事物?  像是从来没有用过的,有些熟悉,有些陌生  大多数已经蒙了尘,也有一些  早已经残缺。它们在某个旮沓角落里  被翻出来,然后想到,多少个日子以前  那时候你年轻,像一张不知在哪个地方  拍摄的旧照片:有些人已经叫不出名字  甚至,你忘了有过这样的时刻  尘埃如虎,一点点吞噬我们的耐心  和年华。他们隐藏在抽屉深处,空间  如果能够容纳更多的阴影,那些从时间里
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