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深圳蛇口、深圳宝安机场和东莞虎门至香港国际机场3条水上航线正式开通;粤港首次在汉城、东京共同举办经济技术贸易交流会;粤港西部通道正式开工……2003年是粤港经济互动最频繁也是最重要的一年。粤港合作的重新定位,为打造“大珠三角”超大经济区迈出了具有里程碑意义的重要一步。2003年8月,第六次粤港合作联席会议确定了两地合作发展的总体思路:广东将致力发展成为制造业基地;香港则发展物流、金融和服务业中心。争取通过10至20年的时间,把大珠江三角洲地区建设成为全球最富活力的地区之一。经济界人士指出,此次粤港经济整合的战略意义在于:通过促进生产要素在两地自由流动,把香港经济纳入内地的经济体系内,使香港能继续在内地的经济发展中,扮演国际金融及商贸服务中心的角色。同时,内地经济体拥有香港这个自由、开放、规范并享有很高国际地位与信誉的商贸中心,既可加强国家参与经济全球化分工合作的优势,又可消除香港与内地主要中心城市,如广州、深圳之间已一定程度存在或可能出现的恶性竞争,捉进中国主要中心城市之间进行合理产业分工及协调发展,提升国家经济竞争力。粤港合作的机遇是由两地的区位优势决定的,但是,优势只有变成商业的合作,变成市场的合作和安排, Shenzhen, Shekou, Shenzhen Baoan Airport and Dongguan Humen to Hong Kong International Airport 3 waterways officially opened; the first time in Seoul and Hong Kong, Guangdong and Hong Kong jointly organized economic and technological trade exchange; Guangdong-Hong Kong Western Corridor officially started ... ... 2003 is the economic interaction between Guangdong and Hong Kong The most frequent and most important year. The relocation of the cooperation between Guangdong and Hong Kong has taken an important milestone in building the “Greater Pearl River Delta” super-large economic zone. In August 2003, the sixth joint meeting of Guangdong-Hong Kong cooperation identified the general idea of ​​the cooperative development between the two places: Guangdong will work hard to develop into a manufacturing base and Hong Kong will develop a logistics, financial and service center. Striving for 10 to 20 years to build the Greater Pearl River Delta into one of the most dynamic areas in the world. According to economists, the strategic significance of the economic integration between Guangdong and Hong Kong lies in bringing Hong Kong’s economy into the Mainland’s economic system by promoting the free flow of factors of production so that Hong Kong can continue to play an international role in the economic development of the Mainland And business service center’s role. At the same time, the mainland economy owns Hong Kong as a free trade center open, standardized and enjoying a high international status and credibility. This not only strengthens the country’s advantages in participating in the economic globalization division of labor, but also eliminates Hong Kong’s major central cities such as Guangzhou , Shenzhen has a certain degree of vicious competition that may or may not occur between Shenzhen and China, so as to capture the reasonable division of labor and coordinate the development among major Chinese central cities and enhance the competitiveness of the country’s economy. The opportunities for cooperation between Guangdong and Hong Kong are determined by the geographical advantages of the two places. However, the advantages can only be turned into commercial cooperation and market cooperation and arrangements.
因为腾格尔的歌声,很多听众认为他粗犷、豪放,充满了游牧民族的浪漫漂泊基因。然而,他的妻子珠拉则说腾格尔非常细腻、非常体贴,全然不是人们所想的那样。 Because Tengger
一九七九年第八期的《读者·作者·编者》一栏中,有朱翟同志的《“按需分配”与“各取所需”译文小议》,批评了第二期上我的那篇文章。这个问题的争论,不仅是译法的问题,更重要的是怎样理解马列主义的某些基本观点,以及如何对待历史经验的问题。  朱翟同志的《小议》所列举的译作“各取所需”所带来的三种弊病,其实归结为一个病根,就是“乱”。这种厌恶动乱,急于维持秩序的心情,是可以理解的;但是实际上,未来的共产主义
熟悉银行业务的人都知道,清收不良资产是银行较为艰难的一项任务。然而,年近52岁的王仁秀,怀着对中国银行事业无限的热爱,带领全处人员知难而进,出色地完成了清收不 Anyone
A burst of six pulses with an average power of 38.7 W are obtained for a pulse-burst picosecond 1064 nm laser system at 1 k Hz. The six pulses have equal amplit