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1990年1月20日,鄂州市公共汽车公司原企业承包人魏光明,向鄂州市中级人民法院提起诉状,起诉市城建委和市财政局,要求废除两单位于上年12月12日联合向市公证处提出的《关于解除公汽公司原法人代表承包经营合同的函》,认定(88)鄂州征字第176号承包经营责任制合同有效,要求恢复企业承包经营权;同时请求判定被告非法单方终止合同期间造成的经济损失,向原告赔偿5万元。鄂州市公共汽车公司,系1988年实行承包经营责任制企业。当时确定承包形式为利润总额包干。承包期从1988年1月1日至1990年12月30日。合同规定承包后每年营运收入及利润完不成合同任务80%,发包方有权提请公证机关解除合同,更换承包人。由于该公 On January 20, 1990, Wei Guangming, the original business contractor of Ezhou Bus Company, filed a lawsuit with the Intermediate People’s Court of Ezhou City and sued the Urban Construction Commission and the Municipal Finance Bureau for the repeal of the joint bidding between the two parties on December 12 of last year City Letter of Notification “on the lifting of the original corporate representative of the bus company’s contract contract letter,” found that (88) Ezhou Zheng Zi 176 contract contract effective contract, requiring the resumption of business contracting rights; the same time the defendant was asked to determine the illegal The unilateral economic losses caused during the termination of the contract, compensation of 50,000 yuan to the plaintiff. Ezhou bus company, in 1988 the implementation of contract responsibility system of enterprises. At that time, the form of contract was determined as total profit. Contract period from January 1, 1988 to December 30, 1990. The contract stipulates that the annual operating income and profit after the contract can not fulfill 80% of the contractual tasks, and the Employer shall have the right to request the notary office to terminate the contract and replace the contractor. Due to the public
酒糟,是酿酒产生的渣滓,但在高明的厨师手中,可转化为一种出神入化的调味品,乾隆才子、诗坛盟主袁枚早在《随园食单》中不容置疑地强调:“糟油出太仓州,愈陈愈佳。”三百年多来,这十个字为太仓糟油创造了难以估量的无形资产。  话说清朝嘉庆年间(大约在1812年前后),太仓有一个叫李梧江的商人,经营几个酿造作坊,他用黄酒原浆为基底,再加入丁香、月桂、玉果、茴香、陈皮、甘草、花椒、麦曲、盐等二十多种辅料,封缸
The first contact between Bao Xinhe and the Fritz Haber Institute (FHI) of the Max Planck Society goes back to 1989, when he was a Humboldt Scholarship holder
自动踏刷机 专利号:z102207281.0 一种置于门前用于洗刷鞋底(墙)的自动踏刷机,包括水箱、置于水箱中的双面板刷、覆盖于面刷之上的踏网和进、出水开关以及与其匹配的电动机,