渗透数学思想方法 提高学生数学素养

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数学思想方法是数学思维的核心,是数学文化素养的精髓,是将数学知识转化成能力的纽带。《数学课程标准(2011年版)》强调:“通过义务教育阶段的数学学习,学生能获得适应社会生活和进一步发展所必须的数学的基础知识、基本技能、基本思想、基本活动经验。”“课程内容不仅包括数学的结果,也包括数学结果的形成过程和蕴涵的数学思想方法。”小学阶段是学生学习数学知识、发展数学思维的起步时期,也是发展思维能力、提高数学素养的 Mathematical thinking and method is the core of mathematical thinking, is the essence of mathematical literacy, mathematics knowledge is transformed into a link of ability. The Mathematics Curriculum Standard (2011 Edition) emphasizes: “Through the mathematics study in the compulsory education phase, students can acquire the basic knowledge, basic skills, basic thinking and basic activities experience of mathematics necessary for social life and further development.” “ ”The course content includes not only the results of mathematics, but also the formation process of mathematical results and implication of mathematical thinking and method. " The elementary school stage is the student begin to learn mathematics knowledge, development mathematics thinking, also develop thinking ability, improve mathematical literacy
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