近几年来,香港中文大学英文系研究生院导师、著名应用语言学、素材语言学专家孔宪辉博士,为推动内地的改革开放和促进国民经济的发展,提高内地的英语水平,经常风尘仆仆地奔走于香港与内地之间。 孔宪辉博士以“华语地区的英语教学”为课题,考察了两岸三地,进行了比较研究。他认为,由于种种原因,香港和台湾地区的英语教学起步较早,人材较多;而相对来讲,内地英语教学起步较晚,人材尚显缺乏。而今,英语作为一种国际性交往语言,日益成为中国对外交往和合作的桥梁。他说:“我作为一名香港同胞,可以用我的专长
In recent years, the Hong Kong Chinese University English Department graduate school adviser, a well-known application linguistics, material linguistics expert Dr Kong Xianghui, to promote the reform and opening up the Mainland and promote the development of the national economy, improve the level of English in the Mainland, often busy schedule to run in Between Hong Kong and the Mainland. Dr Kong Xianhui took the topic of “English Teaching in Chinese-speaking Areas” as a subject, examining the three places of Mainland China and Taiwan and conducting comparative studies. He believes that due to various reasons, English teaching in Hong Kong and Taiwan started earlier and had more talented people. On the contrary, English teaching in the Mainland started relatively late and there was still a shortage of talented people. Nowadays, English, as an international communication language, is increasingly becoming a bridge between China and its foreign counterparts and cooperation. He said: "I, as a Hong Kong compatriot, can use my expertise