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三星堆二号祭祀坑出土的青铜鸡(K2③:107)工艺精湛、造型写实,其刻画工艺谨严而不失灵动,雄奇浑雅,系三星堆青铜文物中最具代表性的作品之一。该铜鸡系用范铸法铸造,体长11.7厘米,座高3厘米,通高14.2厘米。体态雄健,尾羽丰满,肉髯硕大,胸前饰火纹,引颈昂首,立于“门”字形方座上~([1]),器座后部与下端残缺。推测其原形制有三种可能:其一,铜鸡独立成器,器座下端平整,系作支撑陈放铜鸡之用;其二,铜鸡为某整器之一部,方座下端原铸接的构型部分在入坑前的燔燎过程中残损;其三,整器采用套装成器的形式,方座起连缀套接之用,座下原套装的组件同样可能在入坑前被砸毁,或为木质等易腐之物。联系一号坑所出金杖来考虑,座下原套装的组件或为杖形物?总之,将铜鸡与三星堆遗址二号祭祀坑出土的其他器物相比较,有两点值得注意: The bronze chicken unearthed at the Sacrificial Pit of the 2nd Sanxingdui (K2③: 107) is exquisite in craftsmanship and realistic in shape. Its portrayal of craftsmanship is cautious, elegant and elegant, and is one of the most representative works in the bronze relics of the Sanxingdui. The copper chicken cast by Fan Casting, body length 11.7 cm, seat height 3 cm, 14.2 cm high. The body is healthy, the tail feathers plump, meat huge, chest decorated with fire patterns, neck up, stand in the “door” square shaped seat on the ([1]), seat rear and lower incomplete. It is speculated that there are three possible prototypes: First, the copper chicken into a separate device, the lower seat flat, the system for supporting the use of Chen Fang copper chicken; Second, the copper chicken for a device, the lower end of the original seat Of the configuration part of the burned burned in the pit into the pit before the process of damage; Third, the device used in the form of sleeves, square seat from the use of a socket, the seat under the original set of components may also be smashed before entering the pit Destroyed, or wood and other perishable things. Contact a pit of gold to consider pit, the original set of components under the seat or a rod-shaped objects? In short, the copper chicken and Sanxingdui sacrificial pit unearthed pit compared to other objects, there are two points worth noting:
亲爱的叔叔、阿姨们! 当许多人正在考虑今天可不可以不出门的时候,你们却勇敢地站在抗击“非典”的第一线!在北京众志成城抗击“非典”的关键时刻,你们没有恐惧,没有退缩,而