材料茉莉、米兰香气袭人,可花朵不艳丽;君子兰、牡丹,雍容华贵,却不那么香;玫瑰色香俱佳,但有剌鲜者,取其鲜;香者,取其香;带刺者则宜贵其鲜和香。要求: 仔细领会原材料,结合生活中的类似现象,写一篇议论文,阐述自己的观点,文题自拟,字数700左右。提示: 此类材料作文属于“比喻类比型”。要写好此类文章,首先要弄清材料意义:各种花卉在奉献自己美丽的同时,又展示了各自的缺陷。如何选择它
Materials Jasmine, Milan, aroma, but flowers are not bright; Clivia, peony, elegant, but not so fragrant; rose incense and superb, but there are glutinous fresh, fresh and fragrant, fragrant, fragrant; stingers are It is delicious and fresh. Requirements: Carefully comprehend raw materials, combine similar phenomena in life, write an argumentative paper, elaborate on their own opinions, and write about the number of words. Tip: This kind of material composition belongs to the analogy type. To write such articles, we must first understand the significance of the material: all kinds of flowers in the devotion of their own beautiful, but also demonstrated their own defects. How to choose it