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三、引线键合微电子器件中内引线键合是把器件芯片金属化电极与器件外壳引出的电极线联结起来。芯片的金属化电极分单层、双层和多层结构,表面层的金属一般是金或铝。目前常用的内引线也是金或铝丝,所以,内引线的键合仍然是金—金系统、金—铝系统和铝—铝系统,内引线键合的方法很多,目前应用较广泛的是热压焊接、超声波键合和热超声焊接的方法。 1、热压焊接热压焊接于1957年在贝尔实验室首先发展起来,至今仍为微电子器件焊接内引线所 Third, the wire bonding Microelectronics devices in the wire bonding is the device chip metal electrodes and the device leads to the electrode wire leads connected. The metalized electrode of the chip is divided into single layer, double layer and multilayer structure. The metal of the surface layer is usually gold or aluminum. The most commonly used inner lead is also gold or aluminum wire, so the bonding of the inner leads is still gold-gold system, gold-aluminum system and aluminum-aluminum system. There are many methods for bonding the inner leads, and the most widely used is the heat Pressure welding, ultrasonic bonding and thermosonic welding methods. 1, hot-press welding Hot-press welding first developed in Bell Labs in 1957, is still the microelectronics soldering lead
【内容摘要】在高中英语教学中不能使用单一的传统教学模式,让原本趣味无穷的英语学习在课堂上变得枯燥苍白,学生也会无形中排斥英语课堂,要提高英语课堂趣味性,把真实情景模拟融入课堂,让学生真正爱上英语,享受英语课堂。  【关键词】英语课堂 情景模拟 趣味教学  前言  如何让学生摆脱枯燥、烦厌的英语学习是当下英语教学的首要问题,最好的教学方法之一就是能让学生在趣味中主动学习。纵观历年高考,听力阅读可谓是