自发性蛛网膜下腔出血(简称SAH)是常见的脑血管病之一,其发病率为0.5~2%,占脑血管病的5~12%。发生在老年人者,因出血部位及脑组织损害度度不同,临床表现可不典型,每易造成误诊。为提高对本病的认识,现将笔者所遇4例情况报告并浅析如下: 一、误诊为癫痫孙某,女,62岁,因抽搐、头痛、呕吐1天于1983年6月2日入院。患者1天前解大便时突然摔倒,神志不清、口唇发绀、双眼上翻、口吐白沫、四肢抽动,约5分
Spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is one of the common cerebrovascular diseases, with a prevalence of 0.5-2%, accounting for 5-12% of cerebrovascular disease. Occurred in the elderly, due to the degree of bleeding and brain damage the degree of different clinical manifestations may be atypical, each easily misdiagnosed. In order to improve the understanding of the disease, now I encounter four cases reported and analyzed as follows: First, misdiagnosed as epilepsy Sun, female, 62 years old, convulsions, headache, vomiting 1 day in June 2, 1983 Admission. Patient 1 day ago suddenly fell over when defecation stumbled, lips cyanosis, eyes up, foaming at the mouth, limbs twitching, about 5 minutes